General Terms and Conditions1. General provisionsThese General Terms and Conditions govern the contractual relationship between the seller who operates the e-shop at the internet address, on the one hand (hereinafter referred to as 'JAN TANA EUROPE') and the consumer, as the buyer, on the other hand (hereinafter referred to as 'buyer').The seller and operator is: company: JAN TANA EUROPE, s.r.o. Identification number: 087 21 483, Tax identification number: CZ08721483 Registered office: Žitná 253, 250 66 Zdiby, Czech Republic registered at the Municipal Court in Prague under file number C 323977 Contact information: phone: +420777003333 e-mail: 2. BuyerBuyer means a natural person who, in concluding and fulfilling the purchase contract with JAN TANA EUROPE, does not act within the scope of his business or other entrepreneurial activity or within the scope of independent performance of his profession.3. Legal relationsLegal relations between JAN TANA EUROPE and the buyer, which are not explicitly regulated in these General Terms and Conditions or in the contract concluded between JAN TANA EUROPE and the buyer, are governed by the relevant provisions of Act No. 89/2012 Coll. as amended, or by Act No. 634/1992 Coll. as amended.4. Binding orderBy placing a binding order, the buyer confirms that he accepts the General Terms and Conditions for the Delivery of Services announced by JAN TANA EUROPE. The relationship between the buyer and JAN TANA EUROPE is governed by these General Terms and Conditions, which are also binding on both parties.Buyers can make binding orders at any time (non-stop) via the Internet using the order form. The subject of the contract are only the services specified in the order (purchase contract). The condition for fulfilling the validity of the electronic order is the completion of all required mandatory data specified in the order form by the buyer. The order is also a draft of the purchase contract, where the purchase contract itself is subsequently created by paying for the service or part of the service by the buyer. Formal confirmation of the order by JAN TANA EUROPE is required to conclude the purchase contract. 5. Order confirmationThe order is accepted by sending a confirmation to the buyer's e-mail address specified in the order, or by telephone contact.6. Order cancellationThe buyer can cancel each order by e-mail within 8 hours from the moment of making it, without giving a reason. Just provide the name, e-mail and description of the ordered service.7. Use of means of distance communicationThe buyer agrees to the use of means of distance communication when concluding the purchase contract. The costs incurred by the buyer in the use of means of distance communication in connection with the conclusion of the purchase contract (costs of internet connection, telephone calls, etc.) shall be borne by the buyer himself.8. Purchase contractThe purchase contract is concluded in the Czech or English language and is archived by JAN TANA EUROPE for the purpose of its proper performance and is not accessible to third parties.9. PricesThe prices of services in the e-shop are stated in Czech crowns (CZK) or euros (EUR), are current and are stated in the final amount, including eventual VAT.10. Payment termsThe price of the services and any related costs associated with the services under the purchase agreement may be paid by the buyer to JAN TANA EUROPE in one of the following ways:a) cashless transfer to the account of JAN TANA EUROPE b) cashless payment card 11. Maturity and cancellation of the orderIn the case of non-cash payment by transfer to the account of JAN TANA EUROPE, the purchase price is payable within the deadline set by JAN TANA EUROPE.In the case of non-cash payment, the buyer's obligation to pay the price is fulfilled when the relevant amount is credited to the account of JAN TANA EUROPE. JAN TANA EUROPE reserves the right to cancel the order if it has a reason to do so. If this exceptional situation occurs, the customer who ordered the service from JAN TANA EUROPE will be contacted and informed about this fact. 12. Withdrawal from the contractThe buyer has the right to withdraw from the purchase contract without giving a reason, within 14 days of ordering the service. Withdrawal from the purchase contract must be sent to JAN TANA EUROPE within this period by email or in writing to JAN TANA EUROPE.In the event of withdrawal from the contract, JAN TANA EUROPE will return the funds for the ordered services received from the buyer in the amount of 100%, if the buyer withdraws from the purchase contract no later than 21 days before the ordered date of service. In the event of withdrawal from the contract less than 21 days before the date on which the service was ordered, JAN TANA EUROPE will return 40% of the funds received from the buyer. In the event of withdrawal from the contract less than 3 days before the date on which the service was ordered, JAN TANA EUROPE will return 0 (zero) of the funds received from the buyer. Any refund of funds or part thereof will be made by JAN TANA EUROPE in the same manner as received from the buyer, unless expressly agreed otherwise with the buyer. 13. ComplaintsAny complaints will be settled by JAN TANA EUROPE in accordance with the valid legal order of the Czech Republic. The buyer is obliged to report any defects to JAN TANA EUROPE immediately. Any complaints will be resolved by JAN TANA EUROPE at the place of provision of the ordered service.14. Dispute ResolutionIn the event of a consumer dispute between JAN TANA EUROPE and the buyer arising from a purchase contract or a service contract that cannot be resolved by mutual agreement, the consumer may apply for out-of-court settlement of such a dispute to a designated out-of-court consumer dispute resolution body. :Česká obchodní inspekce Ústřední inspektorát – oddělení ADR Štěpánská 15 120 00 Praha 2 Email: Web: The consumer can also use the online dispute resolution platform set up by the European Commission at Any settlement of disputes through the courts, if the resolution of the dispute is not reached out of court, will be resolved before the courts of the Czech Republic in accordance with the law of the Czech Republic. 15. Protection of personal data and sending business messagesThe protection of personal data of the buyer, who is a natural person, is provided by legislation on personal data protection.The buyer agrees to the processing of the following personal data: name and surname, residential address, e-mail address, telephone number, competition category. (hereinafter collectively referred to as 'personal data'). The buyer agrees to the processing of personal data by JAN TANA EUROPE, for the purpose of exercising the rights and obligations under the purchase agreement and for the purpose of sending information and commercial communications to the buyer. The buyer acknowledges that he is obliged to state his personal data correctly and truthfully and that he is obliged to inform JAN TANA EUROPE of the change in his personal data without undue delay. JAN TANA EUROPE may authorize a third party to process the buyer's personal data as a processor. Apart from A1 SOLUTION, s.r.o., IČ 27643271, with its registered office at Macharova 349/14, Mělník, Czech Republic and persons or entities providing the ordered and related services to the buyer, personal data will not be passed on to third parties by JAN TANA EUROPE without the prior consent of the buyer. Personal data will be processed indefinitely. The buyer confirms that the personal data provided is accurate and that he was informed that this is a voluntary provision of personal data. The Buyer declares that he has been informed that the consent to the processing of personal data may be revoked in relation to JAN TANA EUROPE by a written notice delivered to the address of JAN TANA EUROPE. These General Terms and Conditions are valid and effective from 1 September 2020 |